1** Laterna magica - Life Models - 6. She told the coloured man

Life Models

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6. She told the coloured man

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Titre6. She told the coloured man
Distributeur d'origineRiley Brothers
FabricantJames Bamforth
Lieu de fabricationAngleterre (Holmfirth, Yorkshire)
Description techniquelife models, photographie rehaussée de couleurs, plaque carrée fixe
DimensionsL. 82 mm l. 82 mm
CotePLM-00151-006 (Coll. Cinémathèque française)
Navajo - Partition musicale
Down the sand hills of New Mexico,
There lives an Indian mind,
She's of the tribes they call the Navajo,
Face of a copper shade.
And every evening there was a coon,
Who came his love to plead,
There by the silv'ry light of the moon,
He'd help her string her beads.
And when they were all alone,
To her he would softly crone.

Navajo, Navajo, my Navajo,
I have a love for you that will grow,
If you'll have a coon for a beau,
I'll have a Navajo - jo.

This Indian maid told the coloured man,
She wanted lots to wear,
Laces and blankets and a powder can,
Jewels and pipe-stone rare,
Yes bring me feathers dear from the store,
He answered have no fear,
I'll bring you feathers babe the score,
If there are chickens near,
With joy then the maiden sighed,
When to her once more cried,

Navajo, Navajo, my Navajo,
I have a love for you that will grow,
If you'll have a coon for a beau,
I'll have a Navajo - jo.

Navajo [Musique imprimée] paroles, Harry H. Williams ; musique, Egbert Van Alystyne. - New York : Shapiro, Remick & Co, cop. 1903. - [4] p. [photocopie]

Une jeune indienne vivant au Mexique (plaque 2), écoute tous les soirs un jeune homme noir lui faisant la cour (plaque 3). Soir après soir, il gagne de plus en plus son attention (plaques 4 et 5) jusqu'à avoir son coeur (plaques 6 à 9). La dernière plaque est une retranscription du refrain de la chanson de Harry Williams et Egbert Van Alstyne, invitant les spectateurs à reprendre la chanson.

6. She told the coloured man