1** Laterna magica - Life Models - 7. Ailsa mine ! speak to me where the mountain stream [is flowi]ng to [the sea]

Life Models

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Ailsa mine (Mon Ailsa)

7. Ailsa mine ! speak to me where the mountain stream [is flowi]ng to [the sea]

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Titre7. Ailsa mine ! speak to me where the mountain stream [is flowi]ng to [the sea]
d'après Ernest Newton, Ailsa mine, 1893 [chanson]
Distributeur d'origineJames Bamforth
FabricantJames Bamforth
Lieu de fabricationAngleterre (Holmfirth, Yorkshire)
Description techniquelife models, photographie rehaussée de couleurs, plaque carrée fixe
DimensionsL. 83 mm l. 83 mm
CotePLM-00002-007 (Coll. Cinémathèque française)
Ailsa Mine - Partition musicale
"Ailsa mine ! Ailsa mine ! Come with me,
Where the mountain-stream is flowing to the sea;
For I'm going far away at the breaking of the day,
Ad I'm sailing to the lowland sea."
And the gloaming fell around us, and the stars came out above,
And I look'd into your bonny face and told yoy all my love;
"Good-bye, my love! good-bye !" we said, upon the wave-beat shore,
And I knew that you were mine at last, for evermore !
"Ailsa mine ! Ailsa mine ! Come to me,
Where the mountain-stream is flowing to the sea ;
For the parting days are o'er, I am coming home once more,
I am coming grom the lowland sea;"
Alas it is a dream, you come no more to me,
I am kneeling by your little grave beside the wintry sea,
And I listen for your voice, my love so sweet and true,
And I long to lay my breaking heart within the grave with you.
"Ailsa mine ! Ailsa mine ! speak to me,
Where the mountain-stream is flowing to the sea;
For I'm going far away at the breaking of the day,
And I'm sailing to the lowland sea."

Ailsa Mine [Musique imprimée]/ paroles, Frederic E. Weatherly ; musique, Ernest Newton ; - Londres (295, Regent Street) : Boosey & Co Ltd, , cop. 1893. - [10] p. ; 31.1 cm x 23.5 cm. [original]

Ode à l'amour pour Ailsa, cette série retrace les moments clef de l'histoire passionnée de ce couple malheureux.
Leur rencontre (plaque 1), leur bonheur (plaque 3 et 4), avant que n'arrivent la solitude et la douleur d'être seul là où avant ils étaient deux (plaque 5), jusqu'au recueillement sur la tombe de l'être cher (plaques 6 et 7).

7. Ailsa mine ! speak to me where the mountain stream [is flowi]ng to [the sea]