1** Laterna magica - Life Models - 8. She weaves thro' each night [a ladder of light]

Life Models

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Queen of the Earth (Reine de la Terre)

8.  She weaves thro' each night [a ladder of light]

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Titre8. She weaves thro' each night [a ladder of light]
d'après H.L d'Arcy Jaxone, Queen of the Earth, n.d [poésie]
d'après Ciro Pinsuti, Queen of the Earth, n.d [chanson]
Distributeur d'origineRiley Brothers
FabricantJames Bamforth
Lieu de fabricationAngleterre (Holmfirth, Yorkshire)
Description techniquelife models, photographie rehaussée de couleurs, plaque carrée fixe
DimensionsL. 83 mm l. 83 mm
CotePLM-00032-008 (Coll. Cinémathèque française)
Queen of the earth - Partition musicale
An angel in all but name, is she
O'er life her vigil keeping;
Whose wings are spread, o'er each cradle bed
Where the hopes of earth lie sleeping.
The Heroes that vanquish amid the strife,
And write their names on the scroll of life;
Have thought for the fadeles laurels of fame,
To lay their crowns on her sacred name.

Wide as the world is her kingdom of power.
Love is her sceptre, her crown, and her dower.
In ev'ry heart she has fashioned her throne.
As Queen of the Earth she reigneth alone.

An angel in all but name, is she
'Mid scenes of shade, and sorrow:
She weaves, thro each night, a ladder of light.
That leads to a bright tomorrow.
She launches each life on the sea of Time.
And guides each helm to the far off clime :
Her pinions of love are spread in each sail,
Till she casts the anchor within the vale.

Wide as the world is her kingdom of power.
Love is her sceptre, her crown, and her dower.
In ev'ry heart she has fashioned her throne.
As Queen of the Earth she reigneth alone.

Queen of the Earth [Musique imprimée] paroles, H.L. D'Arcy Jaxone ; musique, Ciro Pinsuti ; - G.Ricordi & Co, 295 Regent Street, Londres, All right reserved. - [12] p. ; 34.3 cm x 24.8 cm. [original]

Ces douze plaques de type Life Models qui illustrent fidèlement la chanson de d'Arcy et Pinsuti étant une ode à la mère nourricière. Elle est présente dès la naissance (plaque 2), tel un ange (plaque 3). Elle guide les hommes dans les combats (plaques 4 et 5) et dans chaque coeur, elle façonne son trône (plaque 6). Présente dans la joie et la tristesse (plaques 7 et 8), sur terre comme sur mer (plaques 9 et 10) elle demeure dans tous les foyers (plaque 11). La mère nourricière est reine de la terre (plaque 12).

8. She weaves thro' each night [a ladder of light]