1** Laterna magica - Life Models - 6. Wid my bundle on my shoulder

Life Models

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Off to Philadelphia (Jusqu'à Philadelphie)

6.  Wid my bundle on my shoulder

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  • Argument
Titre6. Wid my bundle on my shoulder
d'après Battison Haynes et Stephen Temple, Off to Philadelphia, 1889 [chanson]
Distributeur d'origineRiley Brothers
FabricantJames Bamforth
Lieu de fabricationAngleterre (Holmfirth, Yorkshire)
Description techniquelife models, photographie rehaussée de couleurs, plaque carrée fixe
DimensionsL. 83 mm l. 83 mm
CotePLM-00030-006 (Coll. Cinémathèque française)
Off to Philadelphia - Partition musicale
My name is Paddy Leary from a shpot in Tipperary
The hearts of all the girls I'm a thorn in
But before the break of morn, Faith ! 'tis they'll be all forlorn
For I'm off to Philadelphia in the mornin'

Wid my bundle on me shoulder, Faith !, there's no man can be boulder
I'm laving dear ould Ireland without warnin'
For I lately took the notion for to cross the briny ocean
And I'm shtart for to Philadelphia in the mornin'

There's a girl named Kate Malone sure I'd hope to call my own
To see my little cabin floor adore in
But my heart is sad and weary, how can she be Miss Leary
If I shtart for Philadelphia in the mornin'

Wid my bundle on me shoulder, Faith!, there's no man can be boulder
I'm laving dear ould Ireland without warnin'
For I lately took the notion for to cross the briny ocean
And I'm shtart for to Philadelphia in the mornin'

When they told me I must leave the place I tried to keep a cheerful face
For to show me hearts deep sorrow I was scornin
But the tears will surely blind me for the friends I lave behind me
When I'm shtart for Philadelphia in the mornin'

But tho' my bundle on me shoulder, And, there's no man can be boulder
Tho' I'm laving now the shot that I was born in'
Yet someday I'll take the notion come back across the ocean,
To my home in dear ould Ireland in the mornin'

Off to Philadelphia [Musique imprimée]/ paroles,Stephen Temple ; musique, Battison Haynes,- EMI Music Publishing Ltd, Cop. 1981. - [4] p.29,7 ; 21 cm x 21.4 cm.
[copie imprimée par Express Prints, Unit 11, Woodforth Tradin Estate, Southend Road, Essex IG8 8HN]

Paddy Leary est contraint de quitter son Irlande natale. La veille de son départ pour Philadelphie, son baluchon sur l'épaule, il parcourt les environs de son village de Tippeary (plaques 2 et 3) et se rend compte de tout ce qui va lui manquer. En premier lieu, une jeune femme, Kate Maloney, qui ne deviendra jamais Madame Leary (plaque 4). Plein de tristesse (plaques 5 et 6), il repense aux siens (plaques 7 et 8). Arrive alors le moment du départ (plaque 9), et enfin le voilà parti : en regardant l'océan, il se promet qu'un jour il retraversera l'océan pour revoir sa chère Irlande et tous ceux qu'il y a laissé (plaque 10).

6. Wid my bundle on my shoulder